Sahi Waqt Kab Aye GaWatch video of Sahi Waqt Kab Aye Ga submitted by saima30 on Sep 27, 2011. This video of Sahi Waqt Kab Aye Ga has total 5118 (five thousand one hundred and eighteen) Views on Sahi Waqt Kab Aye Ga.
saima30  |  Sep 27, 2011  |  5118 Views
Really touchy we with our govt. are still sleeping . we ourself do not take interest for the protection and development of our beloved Pakistan. and still say " ABE WAKT HY........." i dont know wait for what.....? we should walk out for the PAkistan from today and now........
it is true our nation is completely sleep. yes brother you are told true i am study in uk here in their universities they show documentary about osma and Pakistan. they do lot off propergonda about Pakistan. but our leaders they are totally crept and american slaves what they doing about poverty of nation and electric city. we ask we are atomic power but we are not able to produce a few thousands watts of electric power.