Take Your Raymond , give us our sister Dr. Afiya

Take Your Raymond , give us our sister Dr. Afiya
Watch video of Take Your Raymond , give us our sister Dr. Afiya submitted by Sahar on Jan 31, 2011. This video of Take Your Raymond , give us our sister Dr. Afiya has total 2766 (two thousand seven hundred and sixty-six) Views on Take Your Raymond , give us our sister Dr. Afiya .

Category: Current Affairs

Sahar  |  Jan 31, 2011  |  2766 Views

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ALLAH raham kare PAKISTAN k halaat per,muslim countries per aur afiya siddique pe AMEEN......

  • By Binte Kamal., Form khi
  • On 06 Mar, 2011

No Mister, It is not justification to make a deal like that, initially we must investigate the facts, if the law inforcement agencies, make a fair trial on real ground reality. then the facts make akso be very clear, that can make a decision very eaisy. and it might be a good start to an independant judiciary. In fact the identification of the accused murderer Amarician is not clear, Amaricain Govt, informations are not clear, the are changing their statement in that particular case, that man entered in Pakistan to work for a private foregin company, now his Visa is emended by our Govt Depts, according to Amarican statements. How can you expect, that it will be a honest trial. In this situation it is not a justified of the demant to Exchange, sorry it is difficult to accept this type of suggession, Thanks

  • By Mehmood Khan, Form Karachi
  • On 03 Feb, 2011

ye bat pore world ki media ko dikhni chayye is k liye tamam pakistani awam ko sarko par aana hoga aur apne gov pe dabaw dalna hoga warna tu ye kutta chot jayga aur AFIA ka kuch nahi hoga

  • By khan jee, Form karachi
  • On 02 Feb, 2011