Watch video of The Siachen Tragedy, Do you feel it too? submitted by Taimoor Khan on Apr 13, 2012. This video of The Siachen Tragedy, Do you feel it too? has total 3013 (three thousand and thirteen) Views on The Siachen Tragedy, Do you feel it too?.
Taimoor Khan  |  Apr 13, 2012  |  3013 Views
yaar tou loog kiya karay....... logo ka hath main kuch nahi .... or i love pakistan .... i love pakistan Army .... and i am proud to be a pakistani
asif ali zardari sa bolo na wo tu sadar hai na...par kis sa boloe
kuch nahi kuch nahi to aap aap hi doha ka ahtama karo. awze udu yaar:0
sahi kaha kuch kar yaar sab maal karo pak army moshkal ma hai.