Watch video of Tribute to Zardari Government..! submitted by shahzaib on Oct 31, 2011. This video of Tribute to Zardari Government..! has total 5630 (five thousand six hundred and thirty) Views on Tribute to Zardari Government..!.
shahzaib  |  Oct 31, 2011  |  5630 Views
ama you are apselutli right
very good amman gee, assaha tusa da nal auan Zinda Bad
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KONI HAKOOMAT AND ZARDARI HH wah khala ji jeo 100000 sal
Well said Respected lady,Allah bless you Agar app jaisa mind ham sab ka ho jaye to aik din k andar sab theek ho jaye ga<>