Conversion Of Gravitational Potential Energy Into KInetic Energy

A video that proves that Physics works! A lecturer displays an act with a pendulum weighing 15 kg swings at 1 meter height converting gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy that is enough to demolish a building. The lecturer is a firm believer of the conservation of mechanical energy that he puts his life at stake and releases the pendulum from certain height that it can never comes back to a point where the height is any larger. He succeeds in proving his point and the classroom is impressed with the practical demonstration.
Watch video of Conversion Of Gravitational Potential Energy Into KInetic Energy submitted by Jazz on Aug 07, 2014. This video of Conversion Of Gravitational Potential Energy Into KInetic Energy has total 6050 (six thousand and fifty) Views on Conversion Of Gravitational Potential Energy Into KInetic Energy.

Category: Education

Jazz  |  Aug 07, 2014  |  6050 Views

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