Watch video of Struggle A Movie - Sad Story of Poor Pakistani submitted by shahzaib on Dec 29, 2011. This video of Struggle A Movie - Sad Story of Poor Pakistani has total 8522 (eight thousand five hundred and twenty-two) Views on Struggle A Movie - Sad Story of Poor Pakistani .
shahzaib  |  Dec 29, 2011  |  8522 Views
pakistan education very good then other cuntray
God Please help The poor And The needy one's for the sake of Your Lovers Plzzzzzzzz..........
i cant stop my tears .... though am in office just rushed to the toilet and shaded some tears... how sad is this .... who is responsible for this tragedy ..? how blessed are we ...? so many questions in my mind and so many tears at the brink of my eyes.... :(((
so sad the situation in pakistan.i tell young genration not just wait ,the some one come bring the change for u,u r the one .who to do this .pls wake up .be united.not punjabi.not sindh.not pathan. not bloch.not mohajir.not bengali.not kashmiri.but only PAKISTANI.AND MUSLIM.