Watch video of Gumbad-e-Khazra Ke Daman Ki Hawa Maangi Hai Nice naat by Fasihu.. submitted by Aalia Khan on Sep 29, 2015. This video of Gumbad-e-Khazra Ke Daman Ki Hawa Maangi Hai Nice naat by Fasihu.. has total 17169 (seventeen thousand one hundred and sixty-nine) Views on Gumbad-e-Khazra Ke Daman Ki Hawa Maangi Hai Nice naat by Fasihu...
Aalia Khan  |  Sep 29, 2015  |  17169 Views
fasihuddin soharwardi is great male naat khawan in Pakistan very little people of urdu men naat khawan and lots of women naat khawan in Pakistan.
Fasihuddin Soharwadi is the Experienced naat Khuwaan and that’s why his album most downloaded at the social networking side
On this site we find the every naat of our favorite because every naat khwaan naats are available in this site which we want
Great Voice with the best performance of every word which is come by him I really appreciated the work hard of this person in his life