"MIss Meera Jee online" ki English Watch video of "MIss Meera Jee online" ki English submitted by shahzaib on Sep 15, 2009. This video of "MIss Meera Jee online" ki English has total 21379 (twenty-one thousand three hundred and seventy-nine) Views on "MIss Meera Jee online" ki English .
shahzaib  |  Sep 15, 2009  |  21379 Views
Helo miss meera ge kise han ap apna khaiyal rakhiya ga meri tarf say ap ko aslam o Eli kum
Meera g i love you kiya mujh se shadi kro gi
mera plzzzzzzzz stop speaking lair.u r one of lair women in worldogod beless u
fita moo mera