5 week old golden retriever puppies really mad when someone doe..

A short funny video clip of Puppies. We emptied the puppy swimming pool to clean it. As you can see the puppies had a fit and couldn't understand why their pool didn't have water like it usually does. Their favorite thing every morning is to run out of the house into their pool.There is nothing like a gang of angry 5 week old golden retriever puppies to get your morning started! You'll be glad to know the pool was promptly filled and the puppies are happy campers again! They are just a little spoiled. Must watch.

Watch video of 5 week old golden retriever puppies really mad when someone doe.. submitted by Hina Javad on Sep 25, 2013. This video of 5 week old golden retriever puppies really mad when someone doe.. has total 9913 (nine thousand nine hundred and thirteen) Views on 5 week old golden retriever puppies really mad when someone doe...

Category: Funny

Hina Javad  |  Sep 25, 2013  |  9913 Views

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Cute and lovely puppies.

  • By Seema, Form Karachi
  • On 28 Sep, 2013


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