A tribute to Pakistan Cricket team,A quick look on Pakistan Performance during the world cup 2011Watch video of Afridi ...Do not say sorry!!!. submitted by Muhammad Saad on Apr 01, 2011. This video of Afridi ...Do not say sorry!!!. has total 4887 (four thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven) Views on Afridi ...Do not say sorry!!!..
Muhammad Saad  |  Apr 01, 2011  |  4887 Views
he really did his best AFRIDI...!!!
single player can't do anything. Afridi did his best in the worldcup.India was booked under 200. It was the tendulkar lbw 3rd umpire decision when he was on 20 ,even review technology system is not trustworthy..than droping of 4 easy catches in series. it was the confirm Pakistan's match. secondly,High officials of Pak and India were involved for their some political agendas. and to promote and earning money from IPL which is starting from next week.If India would lost the match than all the money for IPL go wasted. Its a reality.
Yes, we love you Boom Boom Eleven!