Watch video of Gulabi English submitted by shahzaib on Aug 09, 2010. This video of Gulabi English has total 10176 (ten thousand one hundred and seventy-six) Views on Gulabi English.
shahzaib  |  Aug 09, 2010  |  10176 Views
Does somebody expect these people to be speaking sense even in URDU.... they are all of no use and dark spot on the face of ethics, education and honesty... God Bless Pakistan. Kashif
Its all shame for us bcoz we r the sole responsible for all this blunder as we choose them our leader. We dont have sense really to elect our representative. Think about it................................
Ch. Nadeem Khadim (MPA)... Tum Agar British National Ho to Yahann kiyya ker rhay ho ja keh apni queen kee hidmat karro. Ham Pakistaniyon kee soch ka andazah laga lean keh ik PAKISATAN KA MPA ko Britsh National hone per ziyada fakerr ho na keh ik pakistani honea per... Jasb esay hukmran hongy to Allah keh Azab to aen gay heee....
wah kia baat hai punjabi mpa's aur mna's ki .sirf apni pocket bharo aur pakistan k liye mat socho well done u all ............?