It Was Breathtaking Prank For Him - Must Watch

Well is it really that easy to make fool out of others? The two guys in the video decide to play a prank. One of them told his girlfriend that he is having an affair with someone else and want to apologize for it. She became fanatic, showed her aggression and went off. The other guy told the reality to the girl. They planned to take up revenge from him by playing a prank on him. She portrayed a scene that gives her boyfriend a feel that she has committed suicide as a reaction. He gone crazy and in the end he finally discovers that it was just a prank! So be careful if you play a prank it might give you a heart attack!.
Watch video of It Was Breathtaking Prank For Him - Must Watch submitted by Jazz on Aug 27, 2014. This video of It Was Breathtaking Prank For Him - Must Watch has total 4274 (four thousand two hundred and seventy-four) Views on It Was Breathtaking Prank For Him - Must Watch.

Category: Funny

Jazz  |  Aug 27, 2014  |  4274 Views

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