Mujhse Shadi Karo Gi - (Very Funny)Watch video of Mujhse Shadi Karo Gi - (Very Funny) submitted by Jazz on Jan 11, 2013. This video of Mujhse Shadi Karo Gi - (Very Funny) has total 54952 (fifty-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-two) Views on Mujhse Shadi Karo Gi - (Very Funny).
Jazz  |  Jan 11, 2013  |  54952 Views
absolutely disjusting behaviour - our TV has been imposed on us - and then they say it is the public who want to see it - No - it is the media who is playing the rolw in lowering the standards of our social and Islamic ethics and teachings
hahhahha very nice funny clip
kaavish is right where is dislike option to refuse this kind of cheap n immodest shows clips.