He got jail because of messing up with Rescue 1122. All these would never happened if he give them way to go but he wants to get into trouble. Never refuse to give way to AmbulanceWatch video of Never refuse to give way to Ambulance submitted by Jazz on Apr 10, 2014. This video of Never refuse to give way to Ambulance has total 22449 (twenty-two thousand four hundred and forty-nine) Views on Never refuse to give way to Ambulance.
Jazz  |  Apr 10, 2014  |  22449 Views
If the motorcyclist did wrong it was not the good way adopted by these rescue team. In this video it should be noted that " The Ambulance got late not only by this motorcyclist also the rescue team wasted the time in this whole situation. It seems that The rescue team was not properly trained to handle the such type of incident.