Proposal Prank

A wedding proposal is the most important moment of a girl’s life, sometimes expected and sometimes unexpected but whatever the case is its always a moment that is worth remembering so it should be special as well.This is a video worth watching where a perfect wedding proposal turns into a prank the people around are just mesmerized by the fact that the girl is being proposed, everyone is turning their cell phone cameras on to capture the moment, girls around are emotionally looking at the whole proposal and it turns into a prank, the poor guy seriously poor guy that’s all what’s going to come to your mind. Must watch.

Watch video of Proposal Prank submitted by Rocking Star on Oct 30, 2013. This video of Proposal Prank has total 6367 (six thousand three hundred and sixty-seven) Views on Proposal Prank .

Category: Funny

Rocking Star  |  Oct 30, 2013  |  6367 Views

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