Watch video of Saeed Ajmal Funny interview submitted by Faraz on Feb 06, 2012. This video of Saeed Ajmal Funny interview has total 13323 (thirteen thousand three hundred and twenty-three) Views on Saeed Ajmal Funny interview.
Faraz  |  Feb 06, 2012  |  13323 Views
bacha abhy kcha hy....
I can't give any comments, because my English is not up to the mark too.
english media and indian media both are stupid.they want to destroy our cricket.saeed ajmal is a littlebit crazy. he could not understand the question of that stupid who asked that question. thank you for taking my comments. saeed ajmal isa very good bowler . as a good pakistani nation we all of us proud at him.
there was nothing so funny in the interview as English is not our mother language so its all right if he talked like that come on guys we are Pakistan and we should proud of our language Urdu what wold u says guys