Watch video of Tezabi Totay: Aitzaz Ahsan submitted by Faraz on Aug 31, 2015. This video of Tezabi Totay: Aitzaz Ahsan has total 1878 (one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight) Views on Tezabi Totay: Aitzaz Ahsan.
Faraz  |  Aug 31, 2015  |  1878 Views
It such a funny dubbed portion which I like because I could not stop laughing after watch this video, for a long time ago I laugh as much. In this site I watch this funny videos first time, now I will search daily any new item.
So funny, I remebered that what is the real version of this speech by Aitezaz Ahsan which was also create controversy in the assembly but this tezabi totay make a great fun of this speech.