Vietnam cop clings to speeding bus windshield wipers

A Vietnamese traffic police officer went on a wild ride in Hanoi, clinging to the windshield wipers of a moving bus for nearly a kilometre after a rogue driver tried to avoid a ticket.

Traffic lieutenant Nguyen Manh Phan pulled over Phung Hong Phuong, 37, in Hanoi on Monday for driving on the wrong side of the road, VN Express reported. Phuong refused to produce his papers and rushed back to the
bus, prompting the officer to jump onto the front in an attempt to stop him.

Video shot by one of Phan's fellow police officers shows the officer trying to get his footing and dangling precariously from the moving bus as oncoming traffic whizzes past.

At one point the bus was travelling at 50 kmph (31mph). Phan could be heard shouting: "Call the police!"

The driver, who was released in 2010 after serving nearly four years in prison for a fatal traffic accident, eventually pulled over after being chased by police and villagers. He was arrested for allegedly acting against public officials, the officer said.

Watch video of Vietnam cop clings to speeding bus windshield wipers submitted by Jazz on Oct 22, 2012. This video of Vietnam cop clings to speeding bus windshield wipers has total 3353 (three thousand three hundred and fifty-three) Views on Vietnam cop clings to speeding bus windshield wipers.

Category: Funny

Jazz  |  Oct 22, 2012  |  3353 Views

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