What a TRAFFIC POLICEWatch video of What a TRAFFIC POLICE submitted by saima30 on Oct 04, 2011. This video of What a TRAFFIC POLICE has total 7041 (seven thousand and forty-one) Views on What a TRAFFIC POLICE.
saima30  |  Oct 04, 2011  |  7041 Views
kassssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh sub trefic waly asy hi hoty to kisi traffic police ka pate bahir na nikla hota
Dillema is this with Pakistani nation that we call FUNNY to whom who work hard..isnt it funny title? I salute this police man. Hats off to you.
If our governament took these type of trafic police in Paksitan, we will be able control our Khan's monopoly of convence!
he is traffic dancer