Watch video of G for Gharida 17th April 2015 by Gharida Farooqui on Friday at .. submitted by Afshan on Apr 17, 2015. This video of G for Gharida 17th April 2015 by Gharida Farooqui on Friday at .. has total 1257 (one thousand two hundred and fifty-seven) Views on G for Gharida 17th April 2015 by Gharida Farooqui on Friday at ...
Afshan  |  Apr 17, 2015  |  1257 Views
I think the previous field of Ghardia Farooqui was good but I don’t think so she is comfortable in this field, she look very polite in this show. I think the management need to improve about the hosting of this program.
Wow, Gharida is also conduct this program in a very decent way although I know this field is new for her but she really conduct well.