Watch video of World Best Maa Ki Shaan submitted by Aalia Khan on Dec 29, 2014. This video of World Best Maa Ki Shaan has total 10790 (ten thousand seven hundred and ninety) Views on World Best Maa Ki Shaan.
Aalia Khan  |  Dec 29, 2014  |  10790 Views
i Love mine mother this naat I dedicate to mine mother because she is the most important person in mine live and this naat is also make on mother
now ther is no need to buy the expensive CDs and DVD for your favourit naat khawan hafiz fahad shah ,hmariweb brings them all at you screen with HD quality naat videos albums high quality audio.
Can anyone tell me that how can we download this naats videos from this page and where I can get the Albums of Hafiz Fahad Shah
hafiz fahad shah is new in naats and hamad some time I listen fahad shah naats and hamad but all naats and hamad video are out class with awesome voice.