Manqabat Imam-e-Aale Mokam by Hafiz Tahir QadriWatch video of Manqabat Imam-e-Aale Mokam by Hafiz Tahir Qadri submitted by Aalia Khan on Nov 08, 2013. This video of Manqabat Imam-e-Aale Mokam by Hafiz Tahir Qadri has total 9700 (nine thousand seven hundred ) Views on Manqabat Imam-e-Aale Mokam by Hafiz Tahir Qadri.
Aalia Khan  |  Nov 08, 2013  |  9700 Views
Masha Allah bahu hee achhi manqabat. Recording quality needs to be improved there is too much noice when listening and at times it becomes difficult to fully understand the words.