Watch video of Hasb e Haal 15th March 2015 submitted by Ayesha Rashid on Mar 16, 2015. This video of Hasb e Haal 15th March 2015 has total 4909 (four thousand nine hundred and nine) Views on Hasb e Haal 15th March 2015.
Ayesha Rashid  |  Mar 16, 2015  |  4909 Views
I never miss any show because this is such a funny show in this channel specially in regional language i like it.
Hasb-e-Haal is the only show that I like to watch. It is the only political and social satire is one of the most watched program in Pakistan. Sohail Ahmed in Hasb e Haal makes fun of government policies, disregard for law and damaged system. The way Sohail Ahmed aka Azizi takes a satirical stance towards various issues of our society that is amzaing.