Hasb-e-Haal 18th May 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Najia on Sunday at Dunya NewsWatch video of Hasb-e-Haal 18th May 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Naj.. submitted by Aalia Khan on May 18, 2014. This video of Hasb-e-Haal 18th May 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Naj.. has total 4519 (four thousand five hundred and nineteen) Views on Hasb-e-Haal 18th May 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Naj...
Aalia Khan  |  May 18, 2014  |  4519 Views
i like dunya tv specially hasb e hall but this channel i can not see without sama tv Mohammad saleem Japan