Watch video of Hasb-e-Haal 19th July 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Na.. submitted by Aalia Khan on Jul 19, 2014. This video of Hasb-e-Haal 19th July 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Na.. has total 3275 (three thousand two hundred and seventy-five) Views on Hasb-e-Haal 19th July 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Na...
Aalia Khan  |  Jul 19, 2014  |  3275 Views
Dear Hasb e Haal team Assalamoalikum and advance eid greetings the topic of discussion regarding internet security threats was very important and required due care by Pakistan govt. and allied agencies for safeguarding and protection purposes