Watch video of Hasb-e-Haal 25th January 2015 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and.. submitted by Jazz on Jan 26, 2015. This video of Hasb-e-Haal 25th January 2015 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and.. has total 3717 (three thousand seven hundred and seventeen) Views on Hasb-e-Haal 25th January 2015 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and...
Jazz  |  Jan 26, 2015  |  3717 Views
I still confuse to know that is it comedy show or a political program, such a waist of time comedy i watch here.
The host of this show run hasb-e-haal very bravely but the main issue in this show is that they use many punjabi words which creates some understanding issues.
Very funny program specially i like junaid saleem but usually he do this show in the same way but the viewers wants some changes frequently.
This show of junaid saleem also based on comedy but i dont like it because every time she laugh without any way of laughing.