Watch video of Hasb-e-Haal 4th July 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Naj.. submitted by Babar on Jul 05, 2014. This video of Hasb-e-Haal 4th July 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Naj.. has total 3293 (three thousand two hundred and ninety-three) Views on Hasb-e-Haal 4th July 2014 by Junaid Saleem,Sohail Ahmed and Naj...
Babar  |  Jul 05, 2014  |  3293 Views
Hasb-e-haal Thankyou for the work youall do in this hard time in Pakistan we all love you in USA GOD BLESS YOU AND PAKISTAN Keep your Heds up GOD WILL WITH US .THANKYOU