Watch video of Acne Vulgarism And Its Treatment By Dr. Abdullah Yahya submitted by Owais Mirza on Nov 24, 2017. This video of Acne Vulgarism And Its Treatment By Dr. Abdullah Yahya has total 16447 (sixteen thousand four hundred and forty-seven) Views on Acne Vulgarism And Its Treatment By Dr. Abdullah Yahya.
Owais Mirza  |  Nov 24, 2017  |  16447 Views
I took isolit and accutane for 5 months to cure my cystic acne but it caused me severe pain in my back body muscles. I told my doc and she said I should visit some gynaecologist as I also suffered from likoria. Now I'll have to go for a treatment for my muscle pain! :( Also I want to take relumins 6X gluta support supplements for skin lightening how can I consult the doc for it ?