Benefits of Breastfeeding by Dr. Syed Muhammad Zahid

Benefits of Breastfeeding by Dr. Syed Muhammad Zahid - Breastfeeding is very important for newborn babies and except this babies do not want any other thing. As time passes the baby's need of milk increases, how beneficial breastfeeding is for baby? and how are harmful effects may cause by Canned or buffalo milk on baby? To create awareness among the people regarding this issue hamariweb team set a meeting with renowned Child specialist Dr. Syed Muhammad Zahid. The information what Dr. Syed Muhammad Zahid shared with us we are presenting for Hamariweb readers.
Watch video of Benefits of Breastfeeding by Dr. Syed Muhammad Zahid submitted by Afshan on Oct 13, 2014. This video of Benefits of Breastfeeding by Dr. Syed Muhammad Zahid has total 10972 (ten thousand nine hundred and seventy-two) Views on Benefits of Breastfeeding by Dr. Syed Muhammad Zahid.

Category: Health

Afshan  |  Oct 13, 2014  |  10972 Views

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