Watch video of Energy Drink And Fairness Cream By Khurram Musheer submitted by Jazz on May 01, 2015. This video of Energy Drink And Fairness Cream By Khurram Musheer has total 4284 (four thousand two hundred and eighty-four) Views on Energy Drink And Fairness Cream By Khurram Musheer.
Jazz  |  May 01, 2015  |  4284 Views
Dr. sahab please tell me where can I gt both these creams magnesia ascorbal phosphate n hydrocodone cream in Lahore .I tried a lot to find but no use. Please tell the exact medical store and location .
think i am going to do mt dew, grape, apple juice with a cup of strong coffee. oh and a shot of lemon juice. just for flavor. and a pinch of sugar to take the sting out of it..
I drink lemonade, one full lemon in a big glass of water with no sugar. This is very very quick energy giving thing. and please don't be dump and drink cold water. It may increase your metabolism in theory and maybe in reality to some extent but in reality, first it cools down the and fat in your body which which stick in your veins and intestines. This leads to constipation and cholesterol. Second you need to have warm blood for a healthy body. I mean blood is warm for a reason, you should not cool it down by drinking cold water all the time. also it is not good for digestion. Our bodies digest food better if stuff is warm. why do you eat warm/hot food? this is the reason
I'd definitely agree that Sham looks more like the Bollywood star hritik roshan . And the pretty lady in her adorable Attires puts a Touche to the act . keep up the great work .