Migraine or migraine headache are two names for one disease commonly found in Pakistan. Normally when we experience a headache, we consider it a usual one that can be cured with the available medicines. But migraine or migraine headache is not a usual pain; you can possibly become a regular patient of it. Why migraine headache occurs? What are the symptoms? And how we can prevent from it? To answer these questions HamariWeb team visited renowned Neurologist Dr. Muhammad Shahid Mustafa to discuss this in detail. The valuable information extracted from Dr. Shahid Mustafa is here for the readers.Watch video of Migraine (Headache) Symptoms and Treatment by Dr. Mohammad Shah.. submitted by saima30 on Oct 23, 2014. This video of Migraine (Headache) Symptoms and Treatment by Dr. Mohammad Shah.. has total 10791 (ten thousand seven hundred and ninety-one) Views on Migraine (Headache) Symptoms and Treatment by Dr. Mohammad Shah...
saima30  |  Oct 23, 2014  |  10791 Views
My cousin was also the patient of headache, some one recommend him Dr. Shahid Mustafa, under his treatment now he is successfully get rid into this decease.
How can i identify this pain that is it migraine or other? I also feel some times when i suffer from cough and cold but i dont think so it is migraine.
One of my cousin is also a get victim of migraine pain, he also get treatment by some one but not getting well. I will definitely recommend him about Dr. Muhammad Shahid Mustafa and take an appointment.
Some years ago i also felt migraine pain but i use hamdard medicine for this and now Masha Allah i totally forget my pain. I ate a majoon for the six month.