Oral Cancer - Dr. Imtiaz Ather Siddiqui ENT Specialist

Oral Cancer: Symptoms, Causes,and More - Hamariweb.com conducts a Special Interview of Dr. Imtiaz Ather Siddiqui a famous ENT Specialist. He practices Ear, Nose, Throat & Head Neck surgery in major hospitals of Karachi. Cancer is defined as the uncontrollable growth of cells that invade and cause damage to surrounding tissue. Oral cancer appears as a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away.
Watch video of Oral Cancer - Dr. Imtiaz Ather Siddiqui ENT Specialist submitted by shahzaib on Sep 29, 2014. This video of Oral Cancer - Dr. Imtiaz Ather Siddiqui ENT Specialist has total 4103 (four thousand one hundred and three) Views on Oral Cancer - Dr. Imtiaz Ather Siddiqui ENT Specialist.

Category: Health

shahzaib  |  Sep 29, 2014  |  4103 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

I am also a patient of Dr. Imtiaz, he is a very famous specially in the throat infection but my case is different, i am the patient of nasal.

  • By beenish, Form khi
  • On 06 Oct, 2014


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