Watch video of Treatment of Diseases by Physiotherapy - Dr Farhan Ishaq Khan submitted by Saba on Apr 24, 2015. This video of Treatment of Diseases by Physiotherapy - Dr Farhan Ishaq Khan has total 6437 (six thousand four hundred and thirty-seven) Views on Treatment of Diseases by Physiotherapy - Dr Farhan Ishaq Khan.
Saba  |  Apr 24, 2015  |  6437 Views
Dr Farhan Ishaq Khan Subject: Back Pain, Nick Pain and spine I'm Tariq Khan I have a big problem of Back Pain, Nick Pain and spine the pain is to much. My final report is: HLA-B27 HLA-B27 is strongly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) as well as reiter syndrome, anterior uveiis, psoritic arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. MOrfe than 80% of AS patients are HLA-B27 positive compared to 5-10% of general population. Method: This test is performed on a PCR platform by amplifying HLA-B*27 allele (NM_005514.6) Comments: A strong association between ankylosing spondylistis and HLA-B*27 is well established. Cautions: Results should be interpreted in context of clinical findings, family history, and other laboratory data. Rare polymorphisms at primer binding sites could lead to false negative or positive results. Please give me some useful tips and advise. I shell be very thankful Your Sincerely, Muhammad Tariq Khan.