Dedicated to Airblue Flight 202 (28-07-2010)Watch video of In The Memory of Airblue Flight 202 (28-07-2010) submitted by Taimoor Khan on Jul 27, 2011. This video of In The Memory of Airblue Flight 202 (28-07-2010) has total 4339 (four thousand three hundred and thirty-nine) Views on In The Memory of Airblue Flight 202 (28-07-2010).
Taimoor Khan  |  Jul 27, 2011  |  4339 Views
I think this horrible accident was due and the only blame to the Capt of flight 202 who tried to land visually instead of using his deck navigation instruments plus using the ILS landing system at runway 30 it doesn´t matter if it was "closed" because the wind or flying to alternative airport because the bad weather as monsoon plus he didn't care about the radar apart of all the mentioned fact he went under its limits bellow 3000 feets and flew into the clouds and foggy weather this was a stupidity how is possible that a professional pilot could do this. It was not an air accident, it was a murdered of 150 inocent people or the capt. tried to commited suicide himself otherwise no one can explain this. Capt. Perves was an old man very tired at the time he just only wanted to land and go home to rest HE DID IT but now he and his crew rest in peace for ever. THE LESSON IS VERY SIMPLE ALL AROUND THE WORLD PILOTS MUST LAND ONLY WITH NAVEGATIONAL INSTRUMETNS OF THEIR PLANES TRUST IN THEM it doesn't matter if the weather is sunny beautiful shine day ok. Best regards all of you. Pilot Mr Castillo