Huzoor Aisa Koi Intizaam - Huriya Rafiq Qadri NaatWatch video of Huzoor Aisa Koi Intizaam - Huriya Rafiq Qadri Naat submitted by shahzaib on Jun 27, 2013. This video of Huzoor Aisa Koi Intizaam - Huriya Rafiq Qadri Naat has total 21102 (twenty-one thousand one hundred and two) Views on Huzoor Aisa Koi Intizaam - Huriya Rafiq Qadri Naat.
shahzaib  |  Jun 27, 2013  |  21102 Views
I Love Naats & Huriya Rafiq is my Favourite Female Naat-khawn. I feel she is my Family member. And of-course Salaam-Alaikoom to all Naatkhawn & of all Islamic believer.