Ilahi Teri Chokhat Pe By Junaid Jamshed (Hamd) Watch video of Ilahi Teri Chokhat Pe By Junaid Jamshed (Hamd) submitted by Noman Khan on Jul 18, 2012. This video of Ilahi Teri Chokhat Pe By Junaid Jamshed (Hamd) has total 36074 (thirty-six thousand and seventy-four) Views on Ilahi Teri Chokhat Pe By Junaid Jamshed (Hamd) .
Noman Khan  |  Jul 18, 2012  |  36074 Views
This is the Hammd which is famous due to the sweet voice of junaid jamshed, there is no one who recite this kalam.
this naat is simply outstanding.. i like it from the bottom of my heart i start reacting with him ..
Mashallah subhanallah
I like it vv much this naat