Watch video of Jaga Ji Laganay submitted by Hina Javad on Dec 23, 2014. This video of Jaga Ji Laganay has total 37193 (thirty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-three) Views on Jaga Ji Laganay.
Hina Javad  |  Dec 23, 2014  |  37193 Views
This is the very famous naat of junaid jamsheed and he was a really honest man but the bad thing is he is not present between us
Junad Jamshed was the great naat khuwaan and this is the very sad moment for all the Muslims that they lost the another legend from their life
He was the very nice naat khwaan peoples are like his personality very much because he was the only best naat khwaan of the Pakistan
This is the Sad news that Junaid Jamshed is no more in this world but he was the very best Naat khuwaan in history I like to salute this Shaheed Legend