Watch video of Kal Tak 19th November 2014 by Javed Chaudhry on Wednesday at Ex.. submitted by Jazz on Nov 19, 2014. This video of Kal Tak 19th November 2014 by Javed Chaudhry on Wednesday at Ex.. has total 1849 (one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine) Views on Kal Tak 19th November 2014 by Javed Chaudhry on Wednesday at Ex...
Jazz  |  Nov 19, 2014  |  1849 Views
My father is a big fan of him, he never miss any episode of this show because this is the main quality of this program they highlight every political and non political issues in it.
Jawed chaudry and his team work very brilliantly that is the key to boost this program in the top most program list of news channels but they cover the dharna of PTI.