Watch video of Kal Tak 26th January 2015 by Javed Chaudhry on Monday at Expres.. submitted by Hina Javad on Jan 26, 2015. This video of Kal Tak 26th January 2015 by Javed Chaudhry on Monday at Expres.. has total 1768 (one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight) Views on Kal Tak 26th January 2015 by Javed Chaudhry on Monday at Expres...
Hina Javad  |  Jan 26, 2015  |  1768 Views
Currently the only debate i watch in every channels political shows are about the elections of senate.
Through out the program we get such a nice discussion which end is some valuable that is why i like this program in express news channel.
What is the reason from which the governor punjab decide to give resignation from his designation? Can he get into PTI next senior member?
Jawed chaudry is the most senior anchor person of express news but the main thing which i like in this show is give a full chance to the guests to complete his talk.