Live With Dr Shahid Masood 23rd August 2015

Watch video of Live With Dr Shahid Masood 23rd August 2015 submitted by Imran on Aug 23, 2015. This video of Live With Dr Shahid Masood 23rd August 2015 has total 2840 (two thousand eight hundred and forty) Views on Live With Dr Shahid Masood 23rd August 2015.

Imran  |  Aug 23, 2015  |  2840 Views

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Dear Dr. Shaib, AOA, I am a Pakistani living aboard since, 1975. I came to Germany for higher education but never returned to Pakistan permanently because of bad political environment. I must inform you that after being living almost 40 years in Germany and in the United States I still hold one nationality and that is PAKISTANI NATIONALITY because I always wanted to come back and since, my passport is a property of Pakistan I never wanted to surrender it. In my view surrendering the passport is just like if one surrenders his country. I thing in the way things are moving at present, should keep on moving so that those Pakistanis who are living aboard can move back to Pakistan. We All salut you for your services regarding showing the real faces of our all leaders on the media who thought they are untouchables and Pakistan is their property. We all pray for your health and safety. We all also pray that Gen. Raheel Sharief stays another 3 to 5 years in the army. I also appeal you that kindly raise the matter of Mr. Zahid Hamid who is in the custody of Saudi Government. Best regards, Umar

  • By Umar, Form Munich, Germany
  • On 27 Aug, 2015