Watch video of Mazaaq Raat 16th March 2015 by Nauman Ijaz on Monday at Dunya N.. submitted by Afshan on Mar 16, 2015. This video of Mazaaq Raat 16th March 2015 by Nauman Ijaz on Monday at Dunya N.. has total 4921 (four thousand nine hundred and twenty-one) Views on Mazaaq Raat 16th March 2015 by Nauman Ijaz on Monday at Dunya N...
Afshan  |  Mar 16, 2015  |  4921 Views
Todays the program of naumaz ejaz is going to top, i like all the comedians in this show.
I like to see these talk shows rather than news as they tell us about the on going situation of Pakistan in a very specific manner