Watch video of Meri Kahani Meri Zubani 25th January 2015 on Sunday at Samaa News submitted by Saba on Jan 26, 2015. This video of Meri Kahani Meri Zubani 25th January 2015 on Sunday at Samaa News has total 2810 (two thousand eight hundred and ten) Views on Meri Kahani Meri Zubani 25th January 2015 on Sunday at Samaa News.
Saba  |  Jan 26, 2015  |  2810 Views
I just watch this story in the repeat timing because the original timing in this program is not suitable.
Mostly the producers use the real stories like target killing and robberies specially in karachi but i request that please cover all the other stories because now a days many rape cases news we listen.
My sister never forget to watch this program in every Sunday, it use the real stories and make this program to get awareness to the peoples.
All the stories in this program are totally fake which is also helpful to give the idea for the robbery and snatching.