A Ride At 300 Kmh - Breathtaking

Ride at 300 Kmh is like you are flying in the air, it was breath taking but the road was straight so they could have done it otherwise in turns and heavy traffic it would become impossible for sure.
Watch video of A Ride At 300 Kmh - Breathtaking submitted by Jazz on Oct 01, 2014. This video of A Ride At 300 Kmh - Breathtaking has total 3242 (three thousand two hundred and forty-two) Views on A Ride At 300 Kmh - Breathtaking.

Category: Miscellaneous

Jazz  |  Oct 01, 2014  |  3242 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

In my it was unbelievable, and it was really really mad show to do something like that. May Allaah guide them towards Islam and towards patience and towards using their skills in good things rather waste. Good thing was that there was a real big place for motor riders and all other vehicles never travel on that. Just imagine if some thing like that or some passage like that was in Pakistan's motorways, where only the motorbikes could ride, all the time they would be having accidents.

  • By manhaj-as-salaf, Form Peshawar
  • On 02 Oct, 2014