Watch video of Aamir Liaquat Accepts His Degree From Ashwood University Is Fake submitted by saima30 on Jun 05, 2015. This video of Aamir Liaquat Accepts His Degree From Ashwood University Is Fake has total 7530 (seven thousand five hundred and thirty) Views on Aamir Liaquat Accepts His Degree From Ashwood University Is Fake.
saima30  |  Jun 05, 2015  |  7530 Views
It is regretion point & review for all Nation where either Primary,Secondary school or colleges even Higher Studies Cheatings in exams are fully open , Short cut is cheat/buy various certificate or degrees and include in educated person. Get employment and promote white coller crimes, These crooks claim so called AALEM, DOCTORS Etc.Even in Assemblies.Shame on these people These People are sitting on various sencitive Places in Pakistan who are destroying Pakistan .These people should be unfold and exposed urgently to the nation as Aamir Liaqat Jahil Jumping jack. These People must be punished openly for their dishonesty to country. They should not be allowed on TV or in any organisation of Pakistan. It must be check out how many cheaters existing which places all over Pakistan. and drastic measures must be taken urgently and sack them with out delay...... These people(CHEATERS) must be exposed on TV & NewsPapers with their current position holders in different organisations either governmental or private. Otherwise these people will head towards escape route,they should not be spared at all...