Burma Muslims

The UN is helping those who can help themselves, but not helping those who can't help themselves, because no benefits in the Burma, nothing is of the UN interest in Burma. If oil were in Burma they should have helped them long ago.

Watch video of Burma Muslims submitted by arshad on Jul 29, 2012. This video of Burma Muslims has total 6739 (six thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine) Views on Burma Muslims.

Category: Miscellaneous

arshad  |  Jul 29, 2012  |  6739 Views

Latest Reviews & Comments

please stop the killing of burma muslim our goverment people is v v v v v v lazy I hate our goverment people

  • By khalid ali soimro, Form usta muhammad
  • On 16 Aug, 2012

All Muslim request to the Myanmar Government please stop the killing of Burma Muslims.

  • By G. Hussain, Form Karachi
  • On 14 Aug, 2012

I request to the Myanmar government please stop the killing of Burma Muslims. Remember the ippressor will eventually have to stop all his oppression and every act of oppression will be accounted for. If muslims do something than you people give them the title of terrorist but what about myanmar government.They are also terrorist killing innocent people

  • By Mohammad Nawaz, Form osaka,japan
  • On 30 Jul, 2012

