Father Taught his 2 years old baby girls to say sorry. You will How to Apologize after watching this short video. I hope you will get the lesson hidden in the video. Find more videos on hamariweb.com Watch video of Father Taught Daughter To Apologize submitted by Jazz on Apr 21, 2014. This video of Father Taught Daughter To Apologize has total 11939 (eleven thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine) Views on Father Taught Daughter To Apologize.
Jazz  |  Apr 21, 2014  |  11939 Views
Yes it is the matter of civilized society, But, We Karachi people living in jungle where no rule of law, here all type of crimes are unchecked , here criminals are enjoying, no writ of government exists, only the rulers are protected, the tax payer are in suffering, The public representatives are enjoying lavish facilities, Are we civilized, it is rubbish, for God sake change the excessive, we can't survive with present attitude.