The video clip based on Azadi March led by Imran Khan. The highlight of the video is the person in the video who resembles Imran Khan and was gaining attention from the crowd. Secondly the speech of the child was entertaining.Watch video of Imran Khan Part 2 in Azadi March submitted by Jazz on Aug 21, 2014. This video of Imran Khan Part 2 in Azadi March has total 15247 (fifteen thousand two hundred and forty-seven) Views on Imran Khan Part 2 in Azadi March.
Jazz  |  Aug 21, 2014  |  15247 Views
Amir sialkotia,may be you are also thief like other politician,we need honest leader ship like,AMRAN KHAN,if you are Muslim just think,read quran you will under stand.
Great ledor of imran khan u all world
imran khan is not best for pakistan go imran go please
we love imran khan our life imran khan after quide imran khan second great and true leader