Hunza Attabad, Land sliding occurred f Boy Scout died n Fwo worker got injured. You can see the scout shehzad carying boat wearing Pants in front row 5 minutes before accident .Due to Land sliding 20 people were died. Karakoram Highway (KKH) was blocked causing Upper Hunza to be caved in isolation as KKH is the only road linkage for Upper Hunza (Gojal) with the rest of the world. It has also blocked the Hunza River as a result two settlements of Shishkat and Ayeenabad have submerged into water the water level is extended further which will submerged parts of Gulmit, Hussani, and Passu.It is fear the recent land sliding will cause the water level to go further up. According to geological survey 60% of Attabad has came down due the land sliding while the rest 40% could come down at any time. It is feared that as the weather will warm up in coming days it will cause the freezing land to get lose with which their will be heightened in land sliding. At the same time the flow of water in Hunza River will also increase which will fasten the increasing level of water in the lake.Visit for more details Watch video of Landslide in Hunza submitted by Irshad Ali on Mar 15, 2010. This video of Landslide in Hunza has total 3119 (three thousand one hundred and nineteen) Views on Landslide in Hunza.
Irshad Ali  |  Mar 15, 2010  |  3119 Views