Lucky People in The World - Plz Don't Brake traffic rules, Must Watch this video and please try to follow traffic rules while driving cars, riding bikes or even walking on your streets. This video shows the most lucky people around the world who survived in heavy traffic. Watch "Lucky People in The World" and other videos @ video of Lucky People in The World - Plz Don't Brake traffic rules submitted by Jazz on Feb 23, 2013. This video of Lucky People in The World - Plz Don't Brake traffic rules has total 7547 (seven thousand five hundred and forty-seven) Views on Lucky People in The World - Plz Don't Brake traffic rules.
Jazz  |  Feb 23, 2013  |  7547 Views
very good videos here
yes traffic rules respect him.....................but saff his life.......
hamariweb plz yeh jo video say pahlay aad atay hain in ka toh kuch kar dain really irritating
please do not forget your family and cross line carefuly.