Nursery Rhymes and poems have a deep impact on any child. You listen and recite ample of poems and rhymes during your early school life. Some of them remains in your memory for a longer period of time. Machli Jal Ki Rani Hai Urdu poem for Nursery kids is one of those brilliant poems that are loved by children. Now you can not just listen to your favorite Machli Jal Ki Rani Hai poems for kids but can also make your kids watch them. Presenting an increbile video poem "Machli Jal Ki Rani Hai" with some awesome graphics and sound that can refresh your childhood memories. You can now easily play it on your laptop or smart phone to make your little ones watch it till you complete your daily chores.Watch video of Machli Jal Ki Rani Hai - Urdu Poem For Nursery Kids submitted by Hina Javad on Jan 23, 2014. This video of Machli Jal Ki Rani Hai - Urdu Poem For Nursery Kids has total 144550 (one hundred and forty-four thousand five hundred and fifty) Views on Machli Jal Ki Rani Hai - Urdu Poem For Nursery Kids.
Hina Javad  |  Jan 23, 2014  |  144550 Views
My little baby feel much happy to watch the animated poems video. On this page of I browse 'Machli Jall Ki Rani Hai', this poem is very popular.
My daughter loves to listen and watch Machli Jal ki Rani Hai poem. She learnt to sing it from this page and now she humss it all the day long. It keeps her busy. Thank you for posting it here.
Love this nursery poem, and this video posted here is definatley eye catching and mind grabbing. Loved it to the core. Graphics are perfect and video does not stop for even a minute.
Since childhood we listen 'Machli jal ki rani hai' but now this poem is an animated form. My baby daughter love to see this animated video poem which I browse on this page.